
Welcome to The Realist. Hopefully, you will enjoy your stay. The Realist is an anonymous blog dedicated to no-bullshit, blunt, realistic and practical opinions about politics in the United States of America (incorporating other countries as necessary, e.g. Canada’s Bill C16). I certainly don’t know everything, nor have I ever nor will I ever claim to. I’m simply here to provide forthright opinions about the policies and belief systems circulating throughout the USA’s political climate, because a lot of them are garbage. Generally speaking, I am a conservative, but (surprise) Republicans and Democrats can be equally as ridiculous when it comes to politics.

breaking point

Why now? If you’ve been paying attention to politics at all in the past 10 years, you will understand just how drastic the changes have been in the USA’s political climate. Nowadays, if you call someone ‘sir’ and they in fact think they are a ‘ma’am’, you’re automatically a bigot and deserve to be burned with the rest of the racist sexist bigot homophobes that hate the poor (thanks, Ben). Don’t like Obama? You must be a racist. If you don’t like Trump, then you must be a snowflake incapable of living outside of a safe space. If you don’t like Trump’s hair, then you’re just normal because…yeah. Genuine leftists and steadfast conservatives instantaneously jump to conclusions about someone else’s character based solely on one political opinion they disagree with, and, if they disagree with you, you’re automatically shunned by them and conversation is immediately shut down. Why? Debate and conversation are two of the most important characteristics of our Democratic Republic. The day I can’t have a political conversation with a leftist is the day I reach my breaking point. That day is here.